Submission Guidelines
1. If you are a minor, please have an adult to read through these rules and verify them with you.
2. Story should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12.
3. File should be in doc, docx or PDF format.
4. Story should be written by the child and the child alone, without help.
5. Entrant should be residing in India, and studying in an Indian school.
6. Entrant’s name and age should all be written on top right of the submitted document.
7. Any genre is acceptable.
8. The story has a word limit of three thousand words and not more.
9. The story should be original, written by the entrant. No plagiarism or use of AI will be tolerated.
10. Since this a story competition for children, there should be no explicit sexual content.
11. The story must be written primarily in English. Words and phrases in other languages can be included if necessary to the story (names, slang etc.) but there should be a translation into English in parenthesis.
12. The entrant’s age should reflect the category they are entering in by the end of the contest. (For example, if the entrant is currently 11 but is turning 12 before 31st August 2023, they must enter in the 12-15 category.)
13. The deadline for competition is 30th September, 2023.
14. The winners will be announced by 31st January 2024 and they will receive their prize money within six months. When contacted, they will give their UPI details, contact details and age proof.
15. The anthology will be published by May 2024.
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